Background & Introduction
Use the Residency Accreditation Toolkit to get tips, techniques, and tools to help your program meet ACGME accreditation requirements. Streamline processes, train your faculty, empower your residency coordinator, use technology for accreditation support, and create a culture of assessment and performance improvement.
This toolkit will provide you with:
- An explanation and rationale for:
- Residency accreditation requirements and processes
- Competency-based resident assessment using the ACGME Milestones
- The critical components of accreditation
- Steps for maintaining accreditation
- Tips for developing:
- Resident assessment tools
- Resident and faculty scholarly activities
- Faculty development plans
- Links to essential references and helpful additional resources.
This guide was developed by an STFM Task Force in 2014 and is maintained and updated by the STFM Graduate Medical Education Committee. The resource includes ready-to-use tools, faculty development goals, and best practices that can be shared between programs. We hope that the toolkit serves you well as you train the future of family medicine.
--STFM Graduate Medical Education Committee
Table of Contents
Contact April Davies at adavies@stfm.org or (913) 800-5677.