Competency-Based Medical Education is "an outcomes-based approach to the design, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of medical education programs, using an organizing framework of competencies."1
Development of this toolkit was supported by a grant from the ABFM Foundation.
STFM Competency-Based Medical Education Task Force
The above resources were compiled and reviewed by:
- Maggie Curran, MD, Family Medicine Resident, University of Kansas
- Aaron Lambert, MD, Program Director, Cabarrus Family Medicine Residency Program
- Pamela MacMillan, AFMA President and GME Coordinator, University of Wyoming
- Stephenie Matosich, DO, OB Fellowship Director, Family Medicine Residency Spokane
- KrisEmily McCrory, MD, MS Med Ed, Associate Program Director, Cheshire Medical Center-Dartmouth Health Family Medicine Residency
- Linda Montgomery, MD, Vice Chair of Education, University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine
- Fred Miser, MD, MA, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- Randolph Pearson, MD, Assistant Dean for GME, MSU Family Medicine Residency
- Michelle Roett, MD, MPH, Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center
- Mary Theobald, MBA, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
- Priyanka Tulshian, MD, MPH, Residency Faculty, Contra Costa Family Medicine Residency
- Olivia Rae Wright, MD, Associate Program Director, WWAMI Family Medicine Network Fellowship
- Velyn Wu, MD, MACM, University of Florida College of Medicine
- Bright Zhou, MD, MS, Resident, Stanford O'Connor Family Medicine Residency
1. Frank JR, Snell LS, Cate OT, Holmboe ES, Carraccio C, Swing SR, Harris P, Glasgow NJ, Campbell C, Dath D, Harden RM, Iobst W, Long DM, Mungroo R, Richardson DL, Sherbino J, Silver I, Taber S, Talbot M, Harris KA. Competency-based medical education: theory to practice. Med Teach. 2010;32(8):638-45. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2010.501190. PMID: 20662574.