Schedule at a Glance
Preconference Day
8:30 am–5 pm Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellows Workshop
10:45 am–12:15 pm Workshops
12:15–1:45 pm Lunch On Own
2–3 pm Opening General Session
3–3:30 pm Refreshment Break
3:30–4:30 pm Seminars
3:30–4:35 pm Lectures
4:45–5:45 pm Welcome Reception With Poster Presentations
6–7 pm Gathering-In: Welcome session that draws on behavioral science to build community and connection through sharing innovations, creative expression, and stories (All are welcome)
7:30–8:30 am Scholarly Topic Roundtables With Breakfast
7:30–8:30 am Collaborative Meetings
8:40–9:45 am Lectures
9:45–10:45 am Refreshment Break With Poster Presentations
10:45–11 am Transition Break
11 am–12:05 pm Lectures
12:15–12:45 pm Luncheon
2–3 pm Seminars
3–3:30 pm Refreshment Break
3:30–4:35 pm Lectures
3:30–4:30 pm Seminars
7:30–8:30 am Networking & Scholarly Topic Roundtables With Breakfast
8:40–9:45 am Lectures
8:45–9:45 am Seminars
10–11 am Closing General Session
If you have questions about this conference, contact Kim Sevedge at (800) 274-7928 or stfmoffice@stfm.org.