Do you have an educational innovation you would like to share with the membership of STFM? Maybe you’ve implemented a particularly successful medical student curriculum or made well-received changes to aspects of your residency educational structure or produced a helpful faculty development session. If you have a great idea or experience to share, consider submitting an article for the STFM Education Column. These articles are published monthly and sent to all STFM members electronically via the STFM Messenger—the official news publication of STFM. And although they are not indexed, they are peer-reviewed.
What makes a good STFM Education Column?
- Features innovations, experiences, or reflections at all levels of family medicine education
- Is succinct (about 600 words) yet describe innovations or experiences that have the potential to be widely adoptable by readers
- Includes a few references and possibly a few resources for people looking for additional information on the topic.
- Target audience (medical students, residents, mid-career faculty, etc) should be clear, as should the description of the experience itself.
- Include a figure, table, or bulleted or numbered list if it helps to get the point across.
Submitting a Column
Submissions to the Education Column must be submitted using the AMA citation style, including the full name, credentials, and institution name and location of each co author, if applicable. Once you have submitted, you will receive an acknowledging the receipt of the column and within 6 weeks you will receive written feedback about your column from at least two peer reviewers. Upon successful revision on your column, we will let you know the expected month of publication. The final version of your column must be complete at least 1 month prior to publication.
We look forward to your submissions. If you are interested in submitting or have questions, email the Education Column Editors at