This award recognizes excellence in practice improvement involving patient-centered care by an outstanding family medicine resident or resident team. The award honors H. Winter Griffith, MD, who was an advocate for patient engagement through patient education. Thus, this award will recognize outstanding patient interaction, education, care, and outcomes by a resident or resident team in the family medicine medical home setting.
Entries are limited to family medicine residents involved in quality improvement work focused on improving patient-centered care.
- The practice improvement activity should document a change in: 1) patient knowledge, engagement, or self-management: 2) Team-based environment and systems of care; 3) Quality or safety of health care.
- Ability to provide examples of patient-centered practice improvement activities include patient surveys, focus groups, motivational interviewing, self-management support, shared goal setting, health coaching, innovative use of media or communication technology, patient portals, e-visits, or behavior change activities.
- Individuals who have received an award at the Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement within the past 3 years are not eligible to submit for the award

Questions about the scholarship or the application process? Contact Melissa Abuel by email at