The Underrepresented in Medicine Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast
Episode 18: Be Prepared to Step Into Leadership Opportunities with Tricia Elliott, MD, FAAFP
Tricia Elliott, MD, describes the skills that students, residents, and faculty need in order to grow their career, including continually updating their CV, participating in active listening, and forming a network of coaches, mentors, and sponsors. She describes various leadership and career options within academic leadership and encourages students and residents to be prepared for opportunities that will come their way.
Hosted by Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA and Omari Hodge, MD, FAAFP
Leadership Pathways in Academic Family Medicine: Focus on Underrepresented Minorities and Women
Let’s Reconceptualize How Leadership Training Fits With Teamwork and Cooperation
A Faculty Development Model for Academic Leadership Education Across a Health Care Organization
AAFP Student & Resident Leadership Opportunities