The Underrepresented in Medicine Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast
Episode 16: Serve Your Community through Family Medicine Advocacy with Jehni S. Robinson, MD, FAAFP
Jehni S. Robinson, MD, FAAFP, describes how advocacy can reconnect you to your core values and beliefs that bring meaning to your career in academic medicine. She discusses how advocacy is best done as a team sport as we take action to promote change. Dr Robinson shares the skills needed to advocate on any level and the benefits of working together on common goals with people of different viewpoints than your own.
Hosted by Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA and Omari Hodge, MD, FAAFP
STFM Resources:
Advocacy Resources for Family Medicine Education - Advocacy Toolkit
Advocating Within Your Health System
Formal Advocacy Curricula in Family Medicine Residencies: A CERA Survey of Program Directors
STFM Advocacy Scholarship for New Faculty
AAFP Resources:
AAFP Advocacy: Fighting for Family Medicine
Attend a an AAFP Advocacy Conference
AAFP Physician Advocacy: What Is It and How Do We Train for It?
Effective Advocacy for Patients and Communities
Other Resources:
The STFM Podcast: Family Medicine's Place in Advocacy with Andrea Anderson, MD, FAAFP
The Advocacy Portfolio: A Standardized Tool for Documenting Physician Advocacy
Translating Ideals Into Practice: A Pragmatic Approach to Advocacy for Medical Trainees
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