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Resources for Medical School Faculty
Family Medicine
Members of STFM receive a subscription to Family Medicine, the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Family Medicine publishes original research, systematic reviews, narrative essays, and policy analyses relevant to the discipline of family medicine, with a focus on primary care medical education, health workforce policy, and health services research.
Peer-Reviewed Reports in Family Medicine Research (PRiMER)
PRiMER, STFM’s online open-access journal, publishes brief reports on original research relevant to education in family medicine. PRiMER serves as a bridge between the presentation of research results at conferences and the development of full-length articles suitable for submission to traditional print journals. Manuscripts can be based on studies or projects that are small in scope, exploratory, confirmatory, or in an early stage of development.
Be part of the conversation! Share your ideas about how to improve family medicine education and offer new perspectives on the role of family medicine in the health care system. The STFM Blog welcomes contributions.
STFM Education Column
STFM Education Columns are published monthly in the STFM Messenger. If you'd like to author an upcoming STFM Education Column, view submission details.
STFM Messenger
Read each issue of STFM’s enewsletter, the STFM Messenger, so you don’t miss out on new products and services; conference submission and registration deadlines; the STFM Education Column; and legislation and accreditation changes that affect academic family medicine. The STFM Messenger is emailed to members twice a month.
STFM Podcast
The STFM Podcast features conversations on key areas at the intersection of academic medicine, leadership, health equity, and medical education. .
Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellowship
This competitive, yearlong fellowship is for family medicine faculty who have responsibility for coordinating or teaching the behavioral science/family systems curriculum.
CERA Fellowship
The CERA Fellowship provides one faculty member a yearlong experience with the CERA Steering Committee. Through this part-time fellowship, faculty receive mentorship and training to lay the groundwork to be a future scholarly leader.
Emerging Leaders Fellowship
The yearlong Emerging Leaders Fellowship offers training, tools, and support for new faculty and those who are transitioning to leadership roles. Fellows learn essential leadership skills; lead a team in completion of a project and then present their results; and get connected to family medicine leaders who share tips on motivating others and handling difficult people and situations.
Faculty Development Delivered
Meet ACGME and/or LCME requirements, save on travel expenses, and provide CME opportunities with a customized faculty development workshop at your location. Our faculty will use interactive methods to engage your faculty and promote evidence-based teaching principles. Pay one lump sum and invite your faculty and preceptors.
Leadership Through Scholarship Fellowship
The yearlong Leadership through Scholarship Fellowship offers training and mentorship for early-career underrepresented in medicine (URM) minority faculty with a focus on developing scholarly writing skills for academic advancement and leadership.
Medical Editing Fellowship
The STFM Medical Editing Fellowship provides one faculty member a yearlong experience with the editorial and publishing teams at Family Medicine. Through this part-time, virtual fellowship, early or mid-career faculty receive coaching and hands-on experience to improve their skills in writing, reviewing, and editing scientific papers. The fellowship begins in June.
Medical Student Educators Development Institute
MSEDI is an 18-month comprehensive learning experience for those who educate medical students, particularly those who aspire to be clerkship directors or medical student education directors. Participants can expect to learn about curriculum development, student evaluation, dealing with challenging learners, recruiting and maintaining preceptor networks, directing a course, and submitting a scholarly project.
Precepting Performance Improvement Toolkit
Recognize and reward your preceptors. The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) Precepting Performance Improvement Program allows academic units (Sponsors) to offer Performance Improvement credit to family physicians who teach medical students or residents and who participate in a teaching improvement activity. This toolkit offers resources and information for Sponsors.
TeachingPhysician.org is a comprehensive online resource that streamlines training, answers questions, and communicates regularly with preceptors on your behalf. It helps institutions recruit, train, and retain community preceptors and meet accreditation requirements for faculty development.
Advocacy Course
This free online course, which takes less than an hour to complete, provides skills and practical strategies for advocating for and promoting the value of family medicine. The course includes these modules: Getting Started in Advocacy; Prepare and Make Contact; The One-Pager; The Visit; Maintaining the Relationship.
Giving Feedback Course
Giving feedback is a critical part of teaching future family physicians, but giving consistent, quality feedback can sometimes be challenging. This online course will introduce you to the principles of giving quality feedback and then take you to the next level by showing you when to give feedback, where, and what models you can use.
Faculty Skills Course
The Faculty Skills Course provides in-depth, fully online training in fundamental skills you'll need as a faculty member, including time management, incorporating learners into your clinical workflow, and writing for academic publication. Each module in this 7-hour self-directed course includes a variety of activities, including video interviews with experienced faculty, interactive modules, readings, and self-paced assignments.
Leading Change Course
Learn to lead change in your institution, within your community, and nationally. The Leading Change Course covers how to assess the need for change, develop a plan for change, and provide successful change leadership. This free online course will take about 3 hours to complete.
These online courses and resources help faculty and residents:
- Understand how decisions are made in health systems
- Advocate for business-based solutions that incorporate the needs of medical education, family medicine, and health systems
URM Leadership Pathways in Academic Medicine
In this free online course, underrepresented in medicine (URM) faculty will learn about trajectories to academic leadership within a variety of institutions.
Wellness Course
Wellness is a critical part of preventing physician burnout and maintaining quality patient care. This course, featuring Catherine Florio Pipas, MD, MPH and Mark Greenawald, MD, will provide you with steps you need to take to develop and maintain your personal wellness. The Wellness course is an online course containing videos, readings, and activities. The course will take about an hour to complete.
Clerkship Onboarding Resources and Modules
Join departments, specialties, and health professions across the country in standardizing the onboarding of students and reducing administrative burdens for community preceptors. Resources include online modules on:
- How to Write a High-Quality Note in the Electronic Medical Record
- How to Perform Medication Reconciliation
- Motivational Interviewing: a Structured Approach to Behavior Change
Sub-Internship Curriculum
The Family Medicine Sub-Internship (Acting Internship) provides students with advanced training in the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are foundational to family medicine. By the end of the sub-Internship, students should be ready to assume the role of a family medicine intern.
Smiles for Life
Developed by the STFM Oral Health Collaborative, the online and downloadable curriculum emphasizes the role of primary care clinicians in the promotion of oral health. Each module includes a 45-minute presentation, annotated presenter notes, educational objectives, test questions, companion videos, and a list of resources.
STFM National Clerkship Curriculum
Define and develop a more effective third-year clerkship the newly updated National Family Medicine Clerkship Curriculum. This online resource includes core content and competencies, learning objectives, assessment tools, educational strategies, and role definitions.
Give your learners the knowledge and skills they need to conduct effective, patient-centered telemedicine visits. Resources include guidance to help teaching clinicians integrate telemedicine topics into courses, clerkships, and residency curricula and national telemedicine curriculum for students and family medicine residents.
New Faculty Advocacy Scholarship
This scholarship is for new faculty to attend the Family Medicine Advocacy Summit in Washington, DC for the purpose of learning advocacy skills for personal and academic career development.
New Faculty Scholars Program
This program is designed to be a catalyst for developing future leaders in STFM and other areas of academic family medicine. The program provides funding to send 10 participants to the STFM Annual Spring Conference.
F. Marian Bishop Leadership Award
Established in 1990 in honor of Dr F. Marian Bishop, the F. Marian Bishop Leadership Award is presented by the STFM Foundation to honor individuals who have significantly enhanced the credibility of family medicine by a sustained, long-term commitment to family medicine in academic settings.
Curtis G. Hames Research Award
The Curtis G. Hames Research Award honors those individuals whose careers over the years exemplify dedication to research in family medicine. The award recipient is selected by a committee representing STFM, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the North American Primary Care Research Group. This award is supported by the Department of Family Medicine through the MCG Foundation's Hames Endowment of the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.
Lynn & Joan Carmichael STFM Recognition Award
The Lynn and Joan Carmichael STFM Recognition Award honors an STFM member or nonmember for outstanding leadership in advancing family medicine as a discipline. The nominee's achievements and activities should be clearly recognized as enhancing or supporting family medicine education by improving resources available for its support, by defense or support of its objectives, or by other notable service to the discipline. Such achievements should have had significance at a national level.
STFM Advocate Award
This award honors STFM member(s) for outstanding work in political advocacy at the local, state, or national level. The recipient's efforts are not restricted to legislative work but cannot be solely individual patient advocacy.
STFM Best Research Paper Award
The STFM Best Research Paper Award recognizes the best research paper published in a peer-reviewed journal during the previous academic year. The first author must be an STFM member. The STFM Research Committee bases the award selection on the quality of the research and its potential impact.
STFM Diversity Award
This award recognizes an STFM member who best promotes innovative leadership, impact, and change that advances diversity, equity, and/or inclusion in family medicine education through the nominee’s work as a family medicine faculty member.
STFM Excellence in Education Award
Designed to honor outstanding teachers, the STFM Excellence in Education Award recognizes an STFM member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, curriculum development, mentoring, research, or leadership in education at regional or national levels. Nominees must have sustained involvement in family medicine teaching.
STFM Innovative Program Award
The STFM Innovative Program Award honors excellence in the development of an original educational program or activity for family medicine residents, students, or faculty. The award recognizes a broad interpretation of innovative family medicine programs to include innovative residency programs, clerkships, services, curricula, or other activities that have had a significant, positive impact on family medicine education.
STFM Precepting Awards
The STFM Precepting Awards recognize teaching contributions by individuals and teaching practices. Medical schools and residency programs can nominate teachers and teaching practices that meet the criteria. The awards are intended for those who precept students, particularly community preceptors/practices.
Behavioral Science Basics
Access a compilation of teaching and clinical care resources for new and seasoned behavioral health/family systems educators, including curriculum, patient care resources, key articles, books, evaluation tools, and presentations.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accountability Aggregated Resources
Learn about STFM's antiracism and health equity initiatives, and access a compilation of resources.
Resources for Reducing Mental Health Stigma for Faculty, Residents, and Students
Questions on state licensing applications and those used for hospital, medical group, and health plan credentialing should not deter physicians, faculty, residents, and students from getting the care they need. Use these resources to learn advocate for change.
STFM Resource Library
This shared, online library contains an extensive collection of resources uploaded by family medicine educators who are tired of “reinventing the wheel” every time they need curriculum or presentations. Visit the Resource Library to upload and access: conference presentations, curriculum, standardized patient cases, sample forms, policies, and guidelines, and more.
Preclerkship Onboarding Resources
Use these resources to help students prepare for their clerkships so that they can maximize their learning and add value to the practice during the rotation. Students can read a document packed with tips and strategies about how to hit the ground running at their rotation site; complete three 20-minute modules on key topics that will prepare them for their rotation; and complete a student passport that will quickly provide their preceptor with basic information about the student's training, screenings, previous clinical rotations, and objectives for the current clinical rotation.
CERA (CAFM Educational Research Alliance)
Meet scholarly activity requirements through CERA, a free resource for medical educational research. With CERA you can survey family medicine educators, receive help from an experienced researcher, and access data from past surveys for secondary analysis.
Tips for New Researchers
Includes guidance on how to submit high-quality abstracts for STFM Conferences, implement quality improvement projects, and write a hypothesis.
One of the greatest benefits of STFM membership is the opportunity to network and collaborate with others to address special interests and work toward common goals. STFM CONNECT, an online hub for Collaboratives, Special Project Teams, and Discussion Forums is the place to start if you’re interested in connecting and collaborating.
STFM Member Directory
Interact with thousands of family medicine educators from across the United States. The Membership Directory is available to STFM members only.
Quick Consult
Quick Consult is an online mentoring platform that links STFM members in search of guidance/advice with seasoned peers interested in sharing their wisdom and expertise.
March 14, 2025 8:30 am–5:30 pm CDT: POCUS Launchpad: Navigating Logistics of Implementing Ultrasound in Residency Training
May 3–7, 2025: STFM Annual Spring Conference
September 8–10, 2025: The 2025 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement
Due Dates
March 14, 2025: Medical Student Educators Development Institute (MSEDI) Applications Due
March 14, 2025: Deadline to Register for STFM Trip to Spain
March 15, 2025: Deadline to Apply for Medical Editing Fellowship
March 20, 2025: Deadline to Apply for Professionalism in Medical Education Task Force
April 1, 2025: Early Bird Deadline for STFM Annual Spring Conference Registration
April 11, 2025: Applications to Serve as STFM Representative to World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) Due
May 16, 2025: STFM Foundation Student Scholar Nominations Due
May 23, 2025: Applications to Serve on the STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement Steering Committee Due