Oversees DEIA activities and specific underrepresented in medicine (URiM) activities for the Society, including oversight of antiracism projects, the STFM Diversity Award, URiM Leadership and Mentorship programs, and accessibility work.

Ebony B. Whisenant, MD
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

Maili Velez-Dalla Tor, MD
Emanate Health Family Medicine Residency, West Covina, CA

Himabindu Ekanadham, MD, MS,
New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus) Program

Emad Abou-Arab, MD
University of Michigan

Colleen Loo-Gross, MD, MPH
University of Kansas-Wichita

Ebony Parker-Featherstone, MD
University of Michigan Health System FMR, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Krys Foster, MD, MPH

Hernan Barenboim, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin