Programs can have one or two participants. The primary participant must be an STFM member who is a program director or core faculty member with at least 3 years of experience. The secondary participant can be a program coordinator or faculty member.
Selection criteria: Participants from up to 25 programs will be selected to participate. STFM is looking for a diverse group of participants. Diversity characteristics include program type, program setting, program size, and geography. Comments on interest and letters of support will also be considered in the application review process.
Both participants from selected programs (if applying as dyads) are expected to:
- Meet pilot project deadlines
- Use new, mobile app-based assessment (STFM is working with residency management software system vendors to create this assessment in their apps)
- Implement individualized learning plan template and timeline in program
- Integrate coaching strategies to promote resident development
- Complete pre-, mid- and post-pilot surveys
- Submit requested data to fulfill objectives of pilot
- Possibly participate in interview/focus groups
- Participate in or view webinar recordings to learn about CBME concepts and practices
- Be present and participate at all in-person and virtual pilot project meetings:
- June 3–4, 2024: in-person session in Atlanta — Full day June 3 and 8 am– 12 pm on June 4
- September 11, 2024, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
- November 12, 2024, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
- January 23, 2025, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
- April 7, 2025, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
- June 2-3, 2025: in-person session in Atlanta — 1–5 pm on June 2 and 8 am–12 pm on June 3
There is no fee to participate in this pilot project. STFM will reimburse selected participants for travel, food, and lodging to attend the two in-person training sessions. Participants:
- Receive formal education in CBME including education on implementation of assessment strategies
- Receive access to and instructions on using a mobile assessment linked to core outcomes, individualized learning plans, and coaching strategies
- May be invited to co-author a publication
Individuals who complete all assignments and participate in ALL of the virtual and in-person meetings will graduate, receive certificates, and be recognized in STFM publications.
This project is supported by a grant from the ABFM Foundation.
January 2024:
- IRB application submitted
February 2024:
- Call for applications (includes pre-project survey)
March 2024:
- Participants view recorded webinars to gain foundational knowledge
May 2024:
- Participants receive information on and access to tools to be implemented
June 2024:
- June 3–4, 2024: in-person training session in Atlanta — full day June 3 and the 8 am–12 pm on June 4
July 2024:
- Programs begin implementation of resources
September 2024:
- September 11, 2024, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting; reports on progress by programs
November 2024:
- November 12, 2024, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting; reports on progress by programs
December 2025:
January 2025:
- January 23, 2025, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
April 2024:
- April 7, 2025, 10 am–1 pm CT: virtual meeting
June 2025:
- June 2-3, 2025: in-person session in Atlanta — 1–5 pm on June 2 and 8 am–12 pm on June 3
- Post-project survey
July-August 2025:
- Evaluation and write up of results
This Learning Collaborative is being planned and facilitated by the STFM CBME Task Force. In-person events may include additional invited experts. Evaluation is being managed by the Patrick Barlow, PhD.
STFM CBME Task Force Members:
- Aaron Lambert, MD, Program Director, Cabarrus Family Medicine Residency Program
- Maggie Curren, MD, Resident, University of Kansas Family Medicine Residency
- Pamela MacMillan, AFMA President and GME Coordinator, University of Wyoming
- Stephenie Matosich, DO, OB Fellowship Director, Family Medicine Residency Spokane
- KrisEmily McCrory, MD, MS Med Ed, Associate Program Director, Cheshire Medical Center-Dartmouth Health Family Medicine Residency
- Linda Montgomery, MD, MA, Vice Chair of Education, University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine
- Fred Miser, MD, MA, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
- Randolph Pearson, MD, Assistant Dean for GME, MSU Family Medicine Residency
- Michelle Roett, MD, MPH, Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center
- Mary Theobald, MBA, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
- Priyanka Tulshian, MD, MPH, Residency Faculty, Contra Costa Family Medicine Residency
- Olivia Rae Wright, MD, Associate Program Director, WWAMI Family Medicine Network Fellowship
- Velyn Wu, MD, MACM, University of Florida Family Medicine Residency Program