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Presenter Information
All presenters must register for the conference and pay the registration fee.
Presenter Quick Links
Helpful resources for confirmed presenters of this year's Conference on Medical Student Education:
- Find Out When You Are Presenting
- Presentation PowerPoint Template (PPTX)
- Instructions for Poster Presenters (PDF)
An effective poster presentation can be even more useful to its authors than an oral presentation. There is the opportunity for one-to-one discussion with viewers; the resulting feedback is frequently quite valuable. Don't try to cram everything into a poster presentation that you would include in an oral presentation. Remember that your viewers are: walking by; distracted by conversation and the passage of other viewers; and looking for interesting poster presentations to return to for closer examination.
The purpose of the poster sessions is to provide an opportunity for the conference participants to become acquainted with your project or study quickly and easily. Your objective at the poster sessions is to present the "bare bones" on your data in graphic, tabular, or chart form so as to pique the interest of passersby who might then wish to stop and discuss your work in more detail.
An effective poster presentation is not simply a journal article hung on a wall. It should be a highlighted synopsis enabling the viewer to move quickly through the analysis of the topic. Resist the temptation to reproduce full pages of typed material. Viewers will be more intrigued by crisp phrases and brief lists. Full pages of text are unlikely to be read, and the crucial point of your presentation may be overlooked in an overabundance of words.
Note: There will be 2 dedicated days for presenting posters. Please find your dedicated poster day and display time.
- Setup for dedicated day: Friday, January 31, 7–9:30 am
- Location: Rio Grande Ballroom, Hyatt Regency–San Antonio, TX
- Take-down: Friday, January 31, 3 pm. STFM and/or hotel will not be responsible for materials that are left on poster boards.
- Poster viewing times: Friday, January 31, 9:40–10:40 am
Please remove your poster materials at the conclusion of the afternoon refreshment breaks on each day.
- Setup for dedicated day: Saturday, February 1, 7–9:30 am
- Location: Rio Grande Ballroom, Hyatt Regency–San Antonio, TX
- Take-down: Saturday, February 1, 3 pm. STFM and/or hotel will not be responsible for materials that are left on poster boards.
- Poster viewing times: Saturday, February 1, 9:40–10:40 am
Please remove your poster materials at the conclusion of the afternoon refreshment breaks on each day.
STUDENT SCHOLAR POSTERS: All posters should be left up on Friday AND Saturday.
- "Dedicated Presentation Time": Friday, January 31, 9:40–10:40 am; and Saturday, February 1, 9:30–10:30 am
- Presenters are welcomed (but not required) to staff your poster during the afternoon break Saturday before removing your poster materials. STFM encourages poster presenters to staff your poster at all designated break times. Any additional staffing time is at the discretion of the presenter.
- Your poster will remain on display between setup and take-down times. We request that you staff your poster during the times listed above to discuss your work with other attendees. A numbered list of posters will appear in the conference program of your registration packet to assist you in locating your poster space. STFM staff will be available to assist you at the conference.
Display Format
Each presentation is allocated (1) poster board that is 4-ft (height) x 8-ft (width). Most presenters prepare a “roll-out” poster that covers much of the board (usually approx. 3.5 ft high and 5–7 ft wide), making it easier for presenters to prepare, and for attendees to view.
Posters generally present information about a study, evaluation, or an innovative program. Here is general guidance for organizing poster content – but inexperienced authors are strongly urged to seek advice from experienced poster authors.
The poster header should be at least four inches high showing the title of the presentation and the names of the authors or presenter(s) and their institution(s). Viewers will be standing from three to six feet away from the poster, so lettering should be easily read from that distance. Viewers often look for content to flow from their left to right, and poster authors often organize their content and graphics in columns or groupings that move from the viewer’s left to right.
Authors usually display the following information: a brief statement of the study question or problem, a brief description of the methods used or main program elements, graphs or figures depicting the results, and conclusions and/or recommendations. References and acknowledgements are often provided, sometimes in a font that is smaller than other poster content. Remember that the presentation is primarily a visual one, and make maximum use of figures, graphs, diagrams, and flow charts on the panels used.
Your poster should be self-explanatory. Authors sometimes provide an accompanying handout, but this is not required. If you wish to supplement your presentation with handout material, please label it clearly with the title of your presentation.
Tips for Preparing a Poster Presentation
The major components of an effective poster presentation include:
- Statement of the Problem
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion/Recommendation
General Advice:
- Be sure that the connection of ideas and progression of thought is clear from one panel to another.
- Use a minimum amount of text (common rule: text for a poster presentation should not exceed 25 lines per page).
- Use lists, “bullet-points”, or phrases instead of complete sentences when possible.
- Before final production of your poster, seek feedback from one or more trusted colleagues about poster content, organization, and visual design.
- If a handout accompanies your poster presentation, label it clearly.
Audio/Visual Equipment and Electricity
STFM does not provide audio-visual equipment or electricity for poster presentations. Presenters are allowed to use their laptop computers to assist with their poster presentation, however a computer presentation cannot replace the visual poster presentation on the poster board provided. Presenters should make sure that computers are fully charged for their presentation.
Learn About Poster Format and See Examples.
If you have any questions, contact the STFM office at 800-274‑7928 or stfmoffice@stfm.org.
Presenters please download and prepare your presentation using this template
Presentation PowerPoint Template (PPT)
Session Formats
Purpose: To present completed research, education, process of care, patient-oriented outcomes, and quality of care studies, including assessment. All content and methods will be considered. Please do not submit work that has been published prior to submission deadlines.
Time: 20 minutes (15-minute presentation with 5 minutes of Q&A. Three 20-minute presentations are "grouped" by common topic and presented consecutively in a 60-minute presentation time slot.)
Purpose: To present innovative or pilot projects in progress related to teaching, education, curricular or clinical intervention, management innovation, or quality improvement that do not have outcomes or assessments.
Time: 15 minutes (10-minute presentation with 5 minutes Q&A. Four 15-minute presentations are "grouped" by common topic and presented consecutively in a 60-minute presentation time slot.)
Purpose: A forum for concise didactic presentation followed by discussion. The focus may be clinical, research, administrative, educational, or personal or career development. Purely clinical topics, addressed in a scholarly way, are also appropriate.
Time: 30 minutes (20-minute presentation, 10 minutes of discussion/response); two 30-minute presentations are "paired" by common topic and presented consecutively in a 60-minute presentation slot.
Purpose: A moderated, interactive session that brings together 3–5 panelists to engage participants in discussion about an innovative or provocative topic in family medicine education. The panelists must demonstrate their content expertise in the submission and ideally, represent multiple institutions. There are limited slots for this session format.
Time: 60 minutes
Purpose: To provide an opportunity to display quality-of-care studies and discuss investigator's completed original research; or, discuss an innovative educational or curricular project pertinent to family medicine.
Time: 1 hour staffing your poster during dedicated time
Purpose: To present high-quality, interactive sessions that require more time than the regular conference format allows. Space is very limited. STFM will charge a registration fee to help cover the costs of materials, audio/visual equipment, room rental, administration, and refreshments.
Time: 4-8 hours
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for a roundtable discussion for 10 participants about ideas, experiences, or projects pertinent to family medicine education, clinical care, research, or management. This presentation is scheduled concurrently with other presentations during continental breakfast in the general session ballroom.
Note: Audio-visual equipment is not provided for this presentations. Handout materials are encouraged.
Time: 60 minutes
Purpose: To provide an interactive session about an innovative educational, administrative, research, career development, or clinical topic. Active audience participation beyond question and answer is required.
Time: 60 minutes
Purpose: To provide a task-oriented, small-group educational experience directed toward the acquisition, demonstration, construction, and/or synthesis of specific knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes.
Note: This is a highly competitive submission category. The conference steering committee only accepts a small number of workshops for presentation.
Time: 90 minutes
For technical assistance with creating your presentation video or poster contact:
Ray Biggs at rbiggs@stfm.org
Rusty Nail at rnail@stfm.org
For general questions
Melissa Abuel at mabuel@stfm.org
January 30–February 2, 2025: STFM Conference on Medical Student Education
February 11, 2025, 11:30 am CST: Webinar: Planning for the Future: Personal Finance Education with Equitable’s Stephen Dunbar
February 28, 2025, 11 am CST: Webinar: Addressing the Residency Continuity Requirement: A Panel Discussion to Share Successes and Barriers
May 3–7, 2025: STFM Annual Spring Conference
September 8–10, 2025: The 2025 STFM Conference on Practice & Quality Improvement
Due Dates
February 4, 2025: Deadline for Presentation Proposals for 2025 Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement
February 15, 2025: Applications Due for BFEF Scholarly Project Director
February 17, 2025: Submissions for the 2025 Poetry and Prose Contest Due
February 25, 2025: Apply for CERA Associate Program Director Chair
February 25, 2025: Apply for CERA General Membership Survey Chair
February 25, 2025: Applications Due for CERA Fellowship
February 28, 2025: Family Medicine Advocacy Summit Scholarship Applications Due
March 4, 2025: Medical Student Educators Development Institute (MSEDI) Applications Due
April 1, 2025: Early Bird Deadline for STFM Annual Spring Conference Registration