Terms of Agreement
The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) is committed to presenting CME activities that promote improvements in health care quality and education and are independent of the control of commercial interests. As part of this commitment, STFM has outlined the following terms, conditions, and purposes of support for its CME activities. Partner support is designated for non-CME expenses associated with the conference. Each partner application will be reviewed by the STFM External Support Review Committee.
The conference partner will provide a non-CME experience for STFM conference attendees, via products, services, and professional training opportunities related to family medicine education and/or patient care. Participation does not include any formal educational and/or training in a CME setting. Partner support is used for administrative and technical conference expenses, and is not used for any educational or meal portion of the conference.
STFM is required to ensure that the source of partner support from any commercial interest, either direct or “in-kind,” is disclosed to conference attendees. This disclosure will not include the use of a trade name or a product-group message. The acknowledgment of commercial support may state the name, mission, and clinical involvement of the partner or and may include corporate logos and slogans, if they are not product promotional in nature.
Partnerships may be canceled by written notice to STFM by January 31, 2025. Cancellations received between January 31, 2025 and March 1, 2025 will be refunded at 50% of partner fee. Cancellations received after March 1, 2025 are non-refundable, unless STFM is able to reassign partnership to a new partner. In the event STFM’s conference is canceled due to fire, strikes, governmental regulations, terrorism or other causes, STFM and partners have no further obligation to each other, and STFM shall determine an equitable basis for the refund of such portion of the partnership fees as is possible, after due consideration of expenditures and commitments already made. It is the partner's responsibility to cancel all other arrangements made in connection with exhibiting, including hotel reservations, requests for the services of official vendors, or any other contracted services associated with the conference.
Partners may not use the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s name, brand, logos, or acronym in any promotional or informational materials, signs, advertising, media promotions, or on the Web without written consent of STFM.
Partners may not use the conference attendee list to contact attendees via email to promote partnership, products, and/or services.
The American Medical Association (AMA) has adopted guidelines governing gifts to physicians from industry. These guidelines have also been adopted by the STFM and other medical organizations. In accordance to the AMA’s guidelines, gifts must be of minimal value, practice-related (related to work or school), and/or entail a benefit to patients. Partners are asked to use their judgment in distributing give-a-ways to conference attendees and/or their guests, and may limit distribution to attendees only, if they so choose. Prizes, awards, drawings, raffles, lotteries, or contests by individual partners will be allowed within their assigned booth space only, and with prior notification to STFM.
STFM cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of partners’ exhibit/materials of any kind. It is recommended that you do not place products or any other items of value on display at your table until your company’s representatives are in attendance. Please remove any valuable materials at the end of each day since security cannot be guaranteed.
The purpose of this partnership is to further the education of meeting attendees through product and service displays and demonstrations. Sales and order-taking are permitted provided all transactions are conducted in a manner consistent with the professional nature of the conference. Products for sale must be the partner’s own unaltered, marketed products, and the products or services must be pertinent to the attendees’ professional interest (family medicine education). STFM reserves the right to restrict sales activities that it deems inappropriate or unprofessional. Partners must comply with all business license and sales and use tax requirements.