The Underrepresented in Medicine Journey to Academic Medicine Podcast
Episode 22: The Power of Mentorship with Byron Jasper, MD, MPH
Byron Jasper, MD, MPH, shares the attributes found in successful mentorship relationships, while providing advice and encouragement to those seeking to act as mentors. Mentorship thrives on authenticity and mutual respect while providing support in the next steps of a career & professional journey. Dr Jasper offers guidance for students and residents who desire a mentor-mentee relationship to help them advance in their career.
Hosted by Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA and Omari Hodge, MD, FAAFP
Comprehensive Medical Mentoring Program Educational Initiatives
When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert
STFM Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Mentorship Program
STFM’s Resources for a Developing a Mentoring Program for URiM Faculty
Facilitator's Guide for Developing a Mentoring Program for Underrepresented Faculty
Mentor Training Session 1: Mentoring URM Faculty for Academic Excellence
Mentor Training Session 2: Difficult Conversations
Mentor Training Session 3: Helping Faculty Mentees Build Professional Skills and Connections