STFM Foundation Donors

Foundation Donors

The STFM Foundation appreciates the generous support provided by the following individuals in 2024.

Ndidi Abara, MD
Elizabeth Abbas, DO
Thomas Agresta, MD
Scott Allen, MS
Suzanne Allen, MD, MPH
Yohualli Anaya, MD, MPH
Heather Archer-Dyer, MPH
Melissa Arthur, PhD, LCSW, LMFT
Vidush Athyal, MD, MPH
Armaity Austin, MD
Macaran Baird, MD, MS
Dennis Baker, PhD
Stephanie Bamidele, MD
Chris Barlow, PhD, MHA
Wendy Barr, MD, MPH
Fredricka Barr, MD
Paige Bartholomew
Elizabeth (Libby) Baxley, MD
Hershey Bell, MD, MSEd
Janice Benson, MD
Wendy Biggs, MD
Thomas Bishop, PsyD
Laura Blinkhorn, MD
Juliet Bliss, DO
Stephen Bogdewic, PhD, MA
Jeffrey Borkan, MD, PhD
Kelly Bossenbroek Fedoriw, MD
Marjorie Bowman, MD, MPA
Mary Boyce, MD
Juliet Bradley, MD
Melissa Bradner, MD, MHA
Scott Bragg, PharmD
Jay Brieler, MD
Brenda Brischetto, MD
Elizabeth Brown, MD, MPH
Steven Brown, MD
Lia Bruner. MD
Stacy Brungardt, CAE, MA
Sandra Burge, PhD
Jessica Burness, MD
Elizabeth Burns, MD, MA
Larry Butcher, MD
Elise Butkiewicz, MD
Amber Cadick, PhD
Robbie Calvert, DO
Thomas Campbell, MD
Kendall Campbell, MD
Lucy Candib, MD
Juana Nicoll Capizzano, MD
Diana Carvajal, MD, MPH
Amanda Castillo, BA
Daniel Castro, MD
William Cayley, MD, MDiv
Jason Chao, MD, MS
Frederick Chen, MD, MPH
Alexander Chessman, MD
Francis Chu, MD
Cathy Churgay, MD
Molly Clark, PhD
Jennifer Clem, MD
Amy Clithero-Eridon, PhD, MBA
Susan Cochella, MD
Peter Coggan, MD
Nikola Conrad, MD
Jeffrey Cook, MD
Allison Couture, DO
Renee Crichlow, MD
Michael Crouch, MD, MSPH
Miles Crowley, MD, MPH
William Crump, MD
Robert Cushman, MD
Bill Dabbs, MD
Cara Dalbey, PsyD
Sarah Dalrymple, MD
Patricia Darcy, MSW
Maria Syl (Marisyl) de la Cruz, MD
Bryan Delage, MD
Erin Delaney, MD
Nicole Delgado-Salisbury, EdD
Nina Desai, MD
Mark Deutchman, MD
Mathew Devine, DO
Kwanza Devlin, MD
Amandeep Dhaliwal, MD
Kushal Dudhat, MD
Jennifer Y. Edgoose, MD, MPH
Jennifer Edwards-Johnson, DO
John Epling, MD, MSEd
Susan Evans, MD
Kelly Everard, PhD
Patrick Fahey, MD
Tina Fawns, MD
Scott Fields, MD, MHA
Evelyn Figueroa, MD
Edgar Figueroa, MD, MPH
Lee Fireman, MD
Lynn Fisher, MD
Edward Foley, MD, MPH
Dominique Fons, MD
Klive Forde, MD, MBBS
Katherine Fortenberry, PhD
Kara Frame, MD
John Franko, MD
Kathryn Fraser, PhD
Joshua Freeman, MD
John Frey, MD
Adam Froyum Roise, MD, MPH
Payal Gaba, MD
Annette Gadegbeku, MD
Harini Gajjela, MD
Natalia Galarza Carrazco, MD
Stacey Gardner-Buckshaw, PhD
Elizabeth (Betsy) Garrett, MD, MSPH
John Gazewood, MD MSPH
Sarah Gebauer, MD, MSPH
Khuram Ghumman, MD, CPE, MPH
Lauren Giammar, MD
Valerie Gilchrist, MD
Limor Gildenblatt, PhD
Christopher Gleason, MD
Patricia Glowa, MD
Marji Gold, MD
Tove Goldson, MD, PhD
Melly Goodell, MD
Kristen Goodell, MD
Victoria Gorski, MD
Timothy Graham, MD, MEd
Robert Graham, MD
Judith Gravdal, MD
Joseph Gravel, MD
Simon Griesbach, MD
Jessica Guh, MD
William Gunn, PhD
Richard Guthmann, MD, MPH
Katherine Guthrie, MD
Irene Gutierrez, MD, MPH
Emmeline Ha, MD
Katherine Haga, DO
Mary Hall, MD
Larry Halverson, MD
Jeffrey Haney, MD
Mariah Hansen, PsyD
Daniel Harris, MD
Robert Hatch, MD, MPH
Fern Hauck, MD, MS
William Hay, MD
John Hayes, DO
William Haynes, PhD, LMFT, LPC
Caryl Heaton, DO
Warren Heffron, MD
Joel Heidelbaugh, MD
Timothy Heilmann, MD, MHA
Diana Heiman, MD
Johnathan Henderson, MD
David Henderson, MD
Charlotte Heppner, MD
Jeri Hepworth, PhD
Ruben Hernandez Mondragon, MD
Lydia Herrera-Mata, MD, MS
Kenneth Herring, MD
Sho Higuchi
Helen Hill, DO, MPH
Grant Hoekzema, MD
Sabrina Hofmeister, DO
Harland Holman, MD
William Hunt, MD, FAAFP
Sue Inoue, MD
Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MBA, MPH
Gretchen Irwin, MD, MBA
Christine Jacobs, MD
Paul James, MD
Babatunde Jinadu
Esther Johnston, MD, MPH
Samuel Jones, MD
Jessica Jones, MD, MSPH
Pablo Joo, MD
Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, CDE, RD
Norman Kahn, MD
Sachiko Kaizuka, MD
Victoria Kaprielian, MD
Sara Karp, MD
Lisa Kassenoff, DO
Sylvia Kauffman, MD, MSPH
Barbara Keber, MD
Clara Keegan, MD
Drew Keister, MD
Rick Kellerman, MD
Scott Kelley, MD
Tara Kennedy, MD
Jordan Knox, MD
Kjersti Knox, MD
Donald Kollisch, MD
Clarice Konshok, MD
Stanley Kozakowski, MD
Tyler Ladue, MD
Crystal Lalonde, MD, MS
Carl Lambert, MD
Anne Lamoureux, PhD
Lars Larsen, MD
Darlene Lawrence, MD
Jay Lee, MD, MPH
Amy Lee, APRN, DNP
Whitney LeFevre, MD
Shou Ling Leong, MD
Gary LeRoy, MD
Winston Liaw, MD, MPH
Steven Lin, MD
Jennifer Lochner, MD
Kay Lockwood, MD
Randall Longenecker, MD
Colleen Loo-Gross, MD, MPH
Jody Lounsbery, PharmD
Tricia Lowery, BS
Loyola University Chicago
Corey Lyon, DO
Phyllis MacGilvray, MD
Michael Magill, MD
Mpundu Makasa, MD
John Malaty, MD
Michael Malone, MD
Nicole Mandall, MPH
Kenia Mansilla-Rivera, MD
Amber Maratas, MD
Gail Marion, PhD
Sarah Marks, MD, MA
Crystal Marquez, MD
Jill Marsh, MD
M. Kim Marvel, PhD
J. Michael Mash, PhD
Stephenie Matosich, DO
Daniel McCullough, MD
Susan McDaniel, PhD
Michelle McDonough, MD
Amy McGaha, MD, MPH
Sarah McGraw, MD
David McInnes, MD
Bob McKinney, PhD, LCSW
Drake Meaney, PharmD
Aaron Michelfelder, MD
Lewis Miller
William Miller, MD, MA
Deborah Miller, MD
Suzanne Minor, MD
Karen Mitchell, MD
Richard Moberly, MD
Afolake Mobolaji, MD, MPH
Jennifer Momen, MD, MPH
Miranda Moore, PhD
Carlos Moreno, MD, MSPH
Laura Moreno, MD
Christopher Morley, PhD, MA
Jeffrey Morzinski, PhD, MSW
Linda Myerholtz, PhD
Anastasia Nast, MD
Elizabeth Naumburg, MD
Lisa Navracruz, MD
Nancy Newman, MD
Warren Newton, MD, MPH
Beverly Ng, MD
Dana Nguyen, MD
Bich-May Nguyen, MD, MPH
Corina Norrbom, MD
David Norris, MD
Thomas Norris, MD
Julie Nyquist, PhD
Shawnna Ogden, MD
Smriti Ohri, MD
Maria Oquendo (Claudio), MD
Justin Osborn, MD
Daniel Ostergaard, MD
Amar Ouadi, MD
Heather Paladine, MD, MEd
Veena Panthangi, MD
Daniel Parente, MD, PhD
Kyulee Park, PhD
Ebony Parker-Featherstone, MD
Michael Partin, MD
Kathleen Paul, MD, MPH
Lauren Penwell-Waines, PhD
Robert Perkins, MD, MPH
Lars Peterson, MD, PhD
Michael Petrizzi, MD
Andrea Pfeifle, EdD
An Phan, MD
Theodore Phillips, MD
Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH
Catherine Pipas, MD, MPH
Karly Pippitt, MD
Susan Pohl, MD
Stacy Potts, MD, MEd
Jacob Prunuske, MD, MSPH
Katherine Putnam, MD, MPH
Brigit Ray, MD
Kristin Reavis, MD
Bonzo Reddick MD, MPH
Jeffrey Ring, PhD
Joyce Robert, MD
Cecile Robes, DO
Melissa Robinson, MD
Juan Robles, MD
Juan Robles, MD
Rashmi Rode, MD
Angela Rodgers, MD
José Rodríguez, MD
John Rogers, MD, MEd, MPH
Tessa Rohrberg, MD
Amy Romain, ACSW, LMSW
Stephanie Rosener, MD
Michael Rosenthal, MD
Kate Rowland, MD, MS
Daniel Rubin, MD
Meaghan Ruddy, PhD, MA
Ann Rutter, MD
Lisa Ryan, MD
Tomoko Sairenji, MD, MS
Lenard Salzberg, MD
Payam Sazegar, MD
Joseph Scherger, MD, MPH
Jessica Schilling, PhD
Julie Schirmer, ACSW, LCSW
Karl Schmitt, MD
David Schneider, MD, MSPH
Edward Schwager, MD
Thomas Schwenk, MD
Tara Scott, MD
Dean Seehusen, MD, MPH
Sumi Sexton, MD
Joy Shen-Wagner, MD
Roger Sherwood
Sara Shields, MD, MS
William Shore, MD
Hugh Silk, MD, MPH
William Simpson, MD
Deborah Simpson, PhD
Jay Siwek, MD
Sharon Smaga, MD
Frank Snope, MD
Celeste Song, MD, MSEd
Kento Sonoda, MD
Jeannette South-Paul, MD
Jeffrey Stearns, MD
Keith Stelter, MD
Mark Stephens, MD
Terrence Steyer, MD
Katherine Stolarz, DO
Linda Stone, MD
Rick Streiffer, MD
Maureen Strohm, MD
David Stromberg, MD
Daniel Stulberg, MD
Leah Suarez-Abraham, MD
Brent Sugimoto, MD, MPH
Sandra Sulik, MD
Jeff Susman, MD
David Swee, MD
Trent Taylor, MD
Johnny Tenegra, MD, MSc
Suki Tepperberg, MD, MPH
Traci Terrance, PhD
Netra Thakur, MD, MPH
Mary Theobald, MBA
Davon Thomas, MD
Niral Tilala, MD
Robert Tortolani, MD
Janet Townsend, MD
Lyly Tran, MD
Elizabeth Trout, MD
Shruti Varadarajan, MD
Brintha Vasagar, MD, MPH
Alicia Vazquez, MD
Maili Velez-Dalla Tor, MD
Alexandra Verdieck-Devlaeminck, MD
Astrud Villareal, MD
Kirsten Vitrikas, MD
Laurel Wallace, DO
Jenny Wang, MD
Judy Washington, MD
Emily Waterman, MD, MPH
Jane Weida, MD
Jeffrey Weinfeld, MD
Andrea Wendling, MD
Andrea Westby, MD
John Westfall, MD, MPH
Ebony Whisenant, MD
Sarah Wiggill, MD, MSc
Elisabeth Wilson, MD, MEd, MPH
Jocelyn Wilson, MD, MPH
Jeanette Wilson, MD
Stephen Wilson, MD, MPH
Vince WinklerPrins, MD
Kirsten Winnie, MD
Matthew Witthaus, MD
Laurie Woodard, MD
Donald Woolever, MD
Alexander Wu, MD
Velyn Wu, MD
David Wyncott, MD
Vivian Yang, MD
Jocelyn Young, DO, MS
Leslie Zeller, LCSW
Richard Zimmerman, MD, MA, MPH, MSc
Kathy Zoppi, PhD, MPH
Steven Zweig, MD

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Contact Us

11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway

Leawood, KS 66211

(800) 274-7928


Ask a Question
AI Chatbot Tips

Tips for Using STFM's AI Assistant

STFM's AI Assistant is designed to help you find information and answers about Family Medicine education. While it's a powerful tool, getting the best results depends on how you phrase your questions. Here's how to make the most of your interactions:

1. Avoid Ambiguous Language

Be Clear and Specific: Use precise terms and avoid vague words like "it" or "that" without clear references.


Instead of: "Can you help me with that?"
Try: "Can you help me update our Family Medicine clerkship curriculum?"
Why this is important: Ambiguous language can confuse the AI, leading to irrelevant or unclear responses. Clear references help the chatbot understand exactly what you're asking.

2. Use Specific Terms

Identify the Subject Clearly: Clearly state the subject or area you need information about.


Instead of: "What resources does STFM provide?"
Try: "I'm a new program coordinator for a Family Medicine clerkship. What STFM resources are available to help me design or update clerkship curricula?"
Why this is better: Providing details about your role ("program coordinator") and your goal ("design or update clerkship curricula") gives the chatbot enough context to offer more targeted information.

3. Don't Assume the AI Knows Everything

Provide Necessary Details:The STFM AI Assistant has been trained on STFM's business and resources. The AI can only use the information you provide or that it has been trained on.


Instead of: "How can I improve my program?"
Try: "As a program coordinator for a Family Medicine clerkship, what resources does STFM provide to help me improve student engagement and learning outcomes?"
Why this is important: Including relevant details helps the AI understand your specific situation, leading to more accurate and useful responses.

4. Reset if You Change Topics

Clear Chat History When Switching Topics:

If you move to a completely new topic and the chatbot doesn't recognize the change, click the Clear Chat History button and restate your question.
Note: Clearing your chat history removes all previous context from the chatbot's memory.
Why this is important: Resetting ensures the AI does not carry over irrelevant information, which could lead to confusion or inaccurate answers.

5. Provide Enough Context

Include Background Information: The more context you provide, the better the chatbot can understand and respond to your question.


Instead of: "What are the best practices?"
Try: "In the context of Family Medicine education, what are the best practices for integrating clinical simulations into the curriculum?"
Why this is important: Specific goals, constraints, or preferences allow the AI to tailor its responses to your unique needs.

6. Ask One Question at a Time

Break Down Complex Queries: If you have multiple questions, ask them separately.


Instead of: "What are the requirements for faculty development, how do I register for conferences, and what grants are available?"
Try: Start with "What are the faculty development requirements for Family Medicine educators?" Then follow up with your other questions after receiving the response.
Why this is important: This approach ensures each question gets full attention and a complete answer.

Examples of Good vs. Bad Prompts

Bad Prompt

"What type of membership is best for me?"

Why it's bad: The AI Chat Assistant has no information about your background or needs.

Good Prompt

"I'm the chair of the Department of Family Medicine at a major university, and I plan to retire next year. I'd like to stay involved with Family Medicine education. What type of membership is best for me?"

Why it's good: The AI Chat Assistant knows your role, your future plans, and your interest in staying involved, enabling it to provide more relevant advice.

Double Check Important Information

While the AI Chat Assistant is a helpful tool, it can still produce inaccurate or incomplete responses. Always verify critical information with reliable sources or colleagues before taking action.

Technical Limitations

The Chat Assistant:

  • Cannot access external websites or open links
  • Cannot process or view images
  • Cannot make changes to STFM systems or process transactions
  • Cannot access real-time information (like your STFM Member Profile information)

STFM AI Assistant
Disclaimer: The STFM Assistant can make mistakes. Check important information.